Tuesday, October 16, 2012


In preparation for the upcoming parent-teacher conferences and progress reports, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions.
Q. When are progress reports being sent home?
A. Progress reports and work binders will go home Wed. Oct .17 and be returned ASAP after reading them.
Q. What about parent-teacher conferences?
A. Please sign up for a time on the sheets posted outside each classroom door for your conference time. This is an opportunity to discuss particular questions about the progress report. Please read the progress report PRIOR to the conference. Also please be considerate of your time slot; additional conference time may be scheduled if needed.
Q. What do the performance indicators mean?
A.  They are simply an indicator of where your child is in their progress of working with the concepts at the level they have been presented for the quarter. There are no “bad” grades. An “A” is not equivalent to the traditional “A”, “AP” is not equivalent to a traditional grade of a “B” etc. Instead, every child will continue to work with a concept until it is mastered, and their progress with this so far is what is indicated. 
I- This concept has just been introduced/presented. The student may not have even had a chance to work with the concept yet.
HD- This is an area where the student is having difficulty, and where we will be continuing to focus our efforts. This is not necessarily a reason for alarm, as it takes time to master a concept. We do not expect students to move from “Introduced” directly to “Accomplished”.
SP- The student is showing progress towards mastery of a topic.
AP- The student is showing deeper understanding and more progress towards mastery of a subject.
A- The student has mastered this concept. (Often, an “A” is not possible because mastery of the subject won’t happen at this level yet.)
Q. Why isn’t homework sent home on Fridays so we can work over the weekend?
A. The teachers cannot check homework during the school day. We need to time after school to assess the work and return it on Monday. Feel free to make copies to work ahead on the weekends while the workbooks are in our possession.
Q. Should I be worried about my child’s progress on their math facts?
A.  No. In Lower El. students are assessed the first week of school and then are given math fact practice for those facts identified as not being thoroughly memorized.   This intentional repetition is to reinforce the rote memory skill needed for the more advanced math concepts and materials they will be working with this year.  The only purpose for this timed test is to ensure that they are practicing their facts at home to prepare them to spend their mental effort on the mathematics concept or material, instead of the facts.  We are not leveling or "grading" the students in any way and he/she isn't "low" because he's/she’s reviewing facts over and over. We do not use these scores to asses progress in class or to prevent anyone from receiving any presentations. 
Q. Aside from homework, what can I do to help my child outside of the classroom?
A. There are many things, from cooking with your child, involving them in the math and reading needed for errands like grocery shopping, giving them responsibilities around the house, playing sports and games together, and other activities that foster confidence and independence. 
Please check out http://www.amshq.org/ and click on Family Resources for more ideas straight from the American Montessori Society.
Q. Where can I go to learn more about the Montessori philosophy?
A. Our PTO is having a book study on Montessori Madness by Trevor Eissler. Also, Together With Montessori by Cam Gordan, and any book authored by Maria Montessori (ie The Absorbent Mind, Peace Education, etc) are great resources!

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