Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pi Day!

Lower Elementary students celebrated Pi Day (3/14/15) a day early by completing several math stations. Students had a great time and we ended our day with some delicious cherry pie!
Mrs. Genie using Montessori materials to show Pi (3.1415..)

Graphing the first 100 digits of Pi 

Hearing the story Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi 

Creating strips with the first 12 digit of Pi

Measuring cans of various sizes to determine Pi 

Graphing the first 100 digits of Pi 

After using string to measure the circumference of these cylinders, students then stretched that string across the top for the diameter. After cutting the string, students found they had three equal pieces and a little piece left over! 

Happy Pi Day!!! 

Week in Review : March 9th - 13th

Students had a wonderful week in Lower Elementary! Students were busy at work!

For language jobs, first grade students wrote sentences with prepositions, found synonyms in a thesaurus, and explored words that contained the long e sound. Second graders reviewed plural possessives nouns, identified the correct adverbs in sentences, and put words in ABC order by the second or third letter. Third graders analysed sentences, reviewed plural possessive nouns, and identified the correct use of certain conjunctions.

For math jobs, first grade students completed multiplication problems, rounded numbers to the 100's place, reviewed time to the hour/half hour/quarter hour, and identified the parts of a circle. Second graders identified the parts of a circle, reviewed elapsed time, completed division problems, and solved addition/subtraction word problems. Third graders were introduced to metric conversations, completed problems with each of the four operations, identified the parts of a circle, and solved word problems.

For cultural jobs this week, students began a study of severe weather. Students viewed a video presentation and wrote a definition of a tornado. Students also explored various reasons flags are used. Students then created a flag that represented themselves.

The highlight of our week was our Pi Day celebration on Friday! Pictures to follow!

Next week, students will continue working with word problems, grammar, and math operations. Our third graders are very excited to go to Camp McDowell on Wednesday!

Important Dates 

3/18-3/20 -3rd Grade students to Camp McDowell
3/24 - Spring Music Program 7:00 pm
3/27- DISMISS at 1:00 (No Aftercare)
3/30-4/6 - Spring Break Holiday

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Week in Review: March 2nd - 6th

It is hard to believe that the third quarter is over! Where has the time gone? Students have made so much progress and they are very proud of their work. We had a good week reviewing concepts learned this quarter!

For language arts jobs, first grade students reviewed synonyms, noun families, plural nouns, and the long a sound. Second grade students reviewed plural possessives, practiced their thesaurus skills, edited sentences, and reviewed the parts of speech. Third grade students reviewed plural possessive nouns, edited sentences, reviewed homophones/homographs/homonyms, and reviewed parts of speech. 

For math jobs, first grade students reviewed place value, rounded numbers to the tens and hundreds place, counted groups of coins, and reviewed multiplication. Second grade students reviewed multiplication, solved addition and subtraction word problems, reduced fractions, and practiced solving division problems. Third grade students reviewed multiplication, division, factors of a number, and solved for equivalent fractions. 

Next week, students will explore the parts of a circle, solve word problems, and review the parts of speech. Cultural lessons will include lessons on flags, severe weather, and invention research. We will celebrate Pi Day (3.1415...) on Friday with several special activities and pie!

Important Dates 

3/11 - Progress Reports go home
3/12 and 3/13- Dismissal at 1:00 due to Parent Conferences
3/18- 3/20 - Third Graders to Camp McDowell

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Week in Review : February 23rd-27th

Students had an amazing week preparing for the International Festival! Students made the flag of Argentina from felt and did further research about the country! Students also completed quarterly reviews in Math and Language, took STAR Reading and STAR Math tests, and spelled a list of grade level sight words. It was a busy week!

We look forward to next week where students will be reviewing concepts learned this quarter!

The flag of Argentina made out of felt! 

The Lower Elementary booth! 

Lower Elementary students do a paper weaving art project!

Important Dates 

3/6- End of 3rd Quarter 
3/11- Progress Reports go home 
3/12 and 3/13 - Dismiss at 1:00 due to Parent Teacher Conferences
3/18-3/20 - Third Graders to Camp McDowell