Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week in Review- October 21st -25th

Fall is in the air! We have enjoyed playing kickball on the field during PE time!
For  language jobs this week,  First grade students were introduced to prefixes, worked with adjectives, and wrote sentences with homonyms. Second grade students wrote homonym sentences, worked with verbs, and reviewed prefixes. Third grade students symbolized sentences with prepositions, wrote homonym sentences, and had more work with prefixes.  

For  math jobs this week,  First grade students compared fractions, were introduced to rounding numbers to the tens place, and continued to practice adding skills with the stamp game. Second grade students worked with rounding numbers to the hundreds, used the stamp game to solve multiplication problems, and used materials to find equivalent fractions . Third grade students worked with adding fractions with like denominators, wrote numbers and number words in the millions place, and used the stamp game to solve subtraction problems.

For cultural lessons this week, students received lessons on the needs of humans. All grade levels will be doing further research on a country or a culture. Students were also introduced to the vertebrates of the animal kingdom, received presentations on the continents using the puzzle maps, and continued working in groups to create a new planet.

This coming week, students will receive presentations on synonyms, plural nouns, telling time and money. Students will also carve a pumpkin and do an expository writing about it. We look forward to other Halloween activities as well.


-October 31st will be our Halloween Party. Students are invited to dress up as a book character, a famous person from history,or an animal. Students may also dress in traditional clothing that represents their native country or culture. We ask students to refrain from bringing any type of weapon as part of their costumes. Students should also write a paragraph about the character, famous person, or animal they are dressed up as. They will also be invited to read their paragraph aloud to the class.  Students will participate in a school-wide costume parade at 9:00 followed by a time of games and snacks in the classroom! Be on the lookout for an email about how you can help! 

-Thursday, Nov. 7th- Make-up picture day and sibling pictures

-Monday, Nov. 11th- No School for Veteran's Day

-Friday, Nov. 15th- Parent's Night Out! Babysitting at the school 6-10 pm
                                 Register by Nov. 8th

-Friday, Nov. 22nd- Talent Show (Auditions held on Monday, Oct. 28th)

-Tuesday, Nov.26th- School dismissed at 1:00- NO AFTERCARE

-Wednesday, Nov. 27th - Thursday, November 29th - No School for Thanksgiving Holiday

-Reading Logs are to be signed each night. Be sure to return them each day in your child's red folder.

Have a great week! 

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