Monday, October 6, 2014

Week in Review : September 29th - October 3rd

We had another fantastic week in Lower Elementary! We enjoyed seeing the students all dressed up for picture day!

For language jobs this week, all students completed a quarterly review consisting of all the material we have covered this quarter. Students also practiced reading sight words, took a STAR Reading test, and completed their weekly reading jobs (SRA and Barnell Loft).

For math jobs this week, all students completed a quarterly review consisting of all the material we have covered this quarter. Students also took a STAR Math test and practiced their math facts.

For cultural jobs this week, students explored the Clock of Eras and completed research of a plant found on the Timeline of Life. Students also studied the different types of designs found on flags and identified them by name.

Next week, students will compare fractions, work with adjectives and prepositions, and count money. We also are looking forward to our field trip to the Children's Theater!  It should be a great week!

Montessori Minute -Clock of Eras 
The geologic time scale is a system of chronological measurement that relates geological stratification to time. It is used by geologists, paleontologists, and other earth scientists to describe the timing and relationships between events that have occurred throughout the Earth's history. Montessori attempts to give students a sense of the geological eras on Earth.

Homework will be sent home each Monday and is to be returned the following Friday. We also encourage students to read for 30 minutes each night and record it on the reading log found in your child's red folder.

It is time for first quarter conferences! Conferences will be held Wednesday, October 15th through Wednesday, October 22nd. We have placed a sign up sheet outside the door to Classroom 3. Please stop by to sign up for a time to conference! Thanks and we look forward to meeting with you!

10/7- Lower Elementary goes to Children's Theater
10/7- Open House 6:00-7:30
10/13- NO SCHOOL
10/16-10/17- Parent Teacher Conferences
10/17- School Play at 7:00 p.m. 

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