Sunday, March 8, 2015

Week in Review: March 2nd - 6th

It is hard to believe that the third quarter is over! Where has the time gone? Students have made so much progress and they are very proud of their work. We had a good week reviewing concepts learned this quarter!

For language arts jobs, first grade students reviewed synonyms, noun families, plural nouns, and the long a sound. Second grade students reviewed plural possessives, practiced their thesaurus skills, edited sentences, and reviewed the parts of speech. Third grade students reviewed plural possessive nouns, edited sentences, reviewed homophones/homographs/homonyms, and reviewed parts of speech. 

For math jobs, first grade students reviewed place value, rounded numbers to the tens and hundreds place, counted groups of coins, and reviewed multiplication. Second grade students reviewed multiplication, solved addition and subtraction word problems, reduced fractions, and practiced solving division problems. Third grade students reviewed multiplication, division, factors of a number, and solved for equivalent fractions. 

Next week, students will explore the parts of a circle, solve word problems, and review the parts of speech. Cultural lessons will include lessons on flags, severe weather, and invention research. We will celebrate Pi Day (3.1415...) on Friday with several special activities and pie!

Important Dates 

3/11 - Progress Reports go home
3/12 and 3/13- Dismissal at 1:00 due to Parent Conferences
3/18- 3/20 - Third Graders to Camp McDowell

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