Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Shares, Holiday Program, and the Christmas Party

Lower Elementary School students performing "The Littlest Reindeer."
The reindeer performing a musical number in "The Littlest Reindeer."
The students had fantastic costumes for "The Littlest Reindeer." 
Students were excited to go bowling at Oak Mountain Lanes.
A third-grade student presents her Elf to the other students during the Christmas presentation.  
Christmas Party and Pajama Day!
A second-grade student presents his Advent wreath to the classroom during the Christmas presentation.
Students were excited to celebrate school Christmas festivities in their pajamas. 
A first-grade student presents her makeup set as a share to the classroom.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Shares, Recess, and Jobs

A first-grade student brings her younger sister as her share.

She presents a photo timeline of her little sister's biggest life events.

Sibling share.

A first-grade student works on a decanomial job.

A first-grade student works diligently on a decanomial job.

Ms. Rachel and a first-grade student getting ready for dismissal.

Students enjoying recess. 

A second-grade student presents her powerpoint share about The Beatles.

A second-grade student presents her share.  She recently visited Atlantis and returned with a book and a dolphin.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Flu and strep throat

Dear parents,
We have several confirmed cases of the flu and strep throat.  If your child exhibits any signs of either (see below), please DO NOT send them to school to possibly infect not only all 52 of our students and 5 teachers but also the entire school since we share communal areas such as the cafeteria, library, and gym.  They should be evaluated by a medical professional.

From the CDC - FLU:
*It’s important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever.
People who have the flu often feel some or all of these signs and symptoms:
Fever* or feeling feverish/chills
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Muscle or body aches
Fatigue (very tired)
Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.
*It’s important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever.

Common Symptoms of Strep Throat:
Sore throat, usually starting quickly
Severe pain when swallowing
A fever (101° F or above)
Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes with white patches or streaks of pus
Tiny red spots (petechiae) on the soft or hard palate—the area at the back of the roof of the mouth
Nausea and/or vomiting
Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
Body aches

As always, encourage good hand washing frequently as well completely covering coughs and sneezes with their  shoulders or elbows.

Lower Elementary

Friday, December 7, 2012

Read to Feed

Read to Feed money raised is due this Friday!
Please donate online here: http://readtofeed.heifer.org/jbma and send your friends, families, acquaintances, etc. to this link to help us out, as well.

Shelby Ridge, Shares, and Jobs

Shelby Ridge Nursing Home

Caroling at Shelby Ridge Nursing Home

Bringing Holiday Cheer to Shelby Ridge Nursing Home

Shelby Ridge Nursing Home

A third-grade student works with the stamp game materials.

Second grade students explore nature in order to complete a haiku hike.

Two students share a special dance with their community members.

Two students present their share.

A first grade student works with the multiplication bead board materials.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

November was a busy but fun month for Lower Elementary!

First and second-grade students work on a decanomial job.

Old Baker Farm

Old Baker Farm.

Third-grade students select pumpkins from the pumpkin patch at Old Baker Farm.

Students enjoy the hay ride at Old Baker Farm.

Students select pumpkins at Old Baker Farm with Ms. Naomi.

Students spend time outdoors to find inspiration for their haiku poems.

Students use the computer to complete a writing project.

Students had a chance to pet the animals at Old Baker Farm.

A first-grade student presents her dog as her share.
Live shares are always popular among the students.
Lower Elementary students present Read to Feed during the Peace Ceremony assembly.
Students play a Two-Square game during recess.

A second-grade student presents her puppy to the classroom as her share. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Read to Feed!!!

We are participating in Heifer International's Read to Feed program as seen in the literature sent home last week.  Please encourage your family, friends, coworkers, and everyone you know to sponsor your child to help raise money to help those less fortunate.  Your child already reads nightly, so filling out the book list is the easy part.  Use this link to send out to encourage people to donate:  http://readtofeed.heifer.org/jbma  Money and checks are due Dec. 14th though online fundraising will continue through the new year.

Thank you!!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A few other tidbits:
  • Field Trip forms are being sent home - all 3 forms need to be completely filled out and returned as soon as possible.  $21 is due with them as is your child's shoe size.
  • Parents of boys - please reteach and continually reinforce the use of toilets (per previous blog post).
  • Early dismissal at 1:00 on Thursday, Dec. 20th - no aftercare provided.
  • Please ensure that your child has an extra pair or two of socks in their backpack at all times, just in case.
  • Please update all teachers and Joan (at joan@jbma.org) with any and all e-mail and phone changes.
  • Please check with your child to find out if their inside PE shoes at school still fit and/or need to be replaced.
  • All jackets, sweaters, lunchboxes, etc. should have your child's name in them so they can be returned if lost.

Pictures are due tomorrow, Nov. 27!

Picture orders are due tomorrow, Nov. 27th!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Restrooms and Thanksgiving

Parents of boys...we need your help! Our boy bathrooms on campus can only be described with one word: disgusting.  Ms. Amy has had a meeting with the lower elementary boys discussing the problem and has offered solutions but we need your help at home. Our boys, in general, do not clean up "spills" from the floor, flush the toilet when finished, nor wash their hands every time they use the facilities. Our involvement in restroom uses can only go so far (since we are all women). Please teach and continue to reteach your boys the proper use of the toilet and how to clean up when they "miss." We will continue to reinforce it here at school, but this can not be done without your help!

We break today at 1:00 and will not see your children until next Monday, Nov. 26th. We hope you all have a chance to enjoy this break with your friends and family.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Old Baker Farm, Diwali Celebration, and Shares

Students enjoy a hay ride at Old Baker Farm.

We had a blast at Old Baker Farm! :)

Four students present a power point presentation on the Diwali Celebration.

Students share items that bear special meaning to the Diwali Celebration.

A second-grade student presents his share with the classroom.

A second-grade student presents her share to the classroom.

A second-grade student presents her share to the classroom.