Friday, May 17, 2019

May 17th

WOW! Can you believe another school year has come to an end?

This week students worked on missing variables, bar graphs, and common and proper nouns. Students conducted research on state flowers and state birds. Many children designed a poster for healthy eating. In preparation for the retirement of Mrs. Bev many students wrote good-bye letters wishing her the best.

The Lower Elementary classes will be going bowling as an “End of the Year” activity on the morning of Thursday, May 23th.

The lunch room is closed so we will be ordering cheese pizza and providing a beverage and side items for lunch.

The cost is $10 for both bowling and pizza.

Friday, May 24th will be early dismissal at 1:00 pm. The lunch room is closed so everyone will need to bring a sack lunch.

We hope everyone has a super, splendid, and safe summer!

Ms. Catherine, Ms. Amber, Ms. Tejal, Ms. Shweta, and Ms. Genie

Friday, May 3, 2019

May 3rd, 2019

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that the 2018-2019 is coming to an end! This has been a wonderful year and we are so fortunate to educate your children. We look forward to working with your children next year as well.

Next week, we will continue to practice large math operations, geometric solids (edges, faces, and vertices), types of fractions, friendly letters, and analogies. We will also start to wrap up our unit on our state. Students will learn about the history of Birmingham. We will learn about famous landmarks of Alabama. In science, students will continue their study on nutrition by learning more about "My Plate".

May 10th Peace Ceremony

May 15th end of Quarter 4

May 22nd Field Day

  • if you would like a t-shirt please complete the form and turn it in asap
  • if you can volunteer to help us that day please complete the form and turn it in asap

May 24th Students dismiss at 1 pm. NO AFTERCARE