Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Last Week of the 2021-2022 School Year

 It was a fabulous week in Lower Elementary.  We had a successful Field Day on Tuesday.  Teams for Field Day were composed of Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary and Middle School students.  They worked together to construct a container to cushion an egg for the egg drop held on Thursday.  After the container was completed the teams rotated through nine activities on our soccer field.  The day ended with a water balloon contest and popsicles.  Wednesday and Thursday were days filled with board games, a movie and classroom clean up and pack up. Some tears were shed for those not returning next year.  But we ended with an outdoor chalk, bubbles, cookies a frozen treat and lots of smiles.  Have a fun summer and remember to read, read, read with your child.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Teacher Appreciation Week

 We love teacher appreciation week in Lower Elementary. Thank you to the PTO for the delicious lunch and most importantly a chance to eat lunch in a quiet room with other adults.  It was appreciated by everyone.  Also thank you to every family who sent in special gifts for us.  We are grateful for each and every one of you.   It has been an action packed, fun filled week in the Lower Elementary learning environment.  We had visits from a gecko and a hedgehog with facts presented by the student owners.  We had fun watering the garden each day.  The rosemary, coreopsis, blueberry, nasturtium and zinea plants need daily watering until  they are firmly established.  We continued our study on metric and customary liquid measurements. We continued with our calculations of area.  For the final lesson on the human senses we had a summary sorting by sense activity. Our poetry study this week was on acrostic poems.  Each student wrote their own acrostic poem about themselves or an important person in their life. Adding on a fraction number line was presented.  We continued with our focus on analogies. A science experiment related to the layers of the ocean was presented.  Finally each student wrote a paragraph about what they could do to be a peacemaker.  Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

Monday, May 9, 2022

The First Week of May


     This week we ended our look at the senses by studying the sense of touch.  Students were able to make a model of the skin and examine the sensors for pain, cold, hot and pressure. We also continued to convert liquid measurements in both the metric and customary systems. Grammar studies focused on pronouns, conjunctions and sentence analysis. Students continued with their calculations of area on objects in the classroom. Everyone also wrote a short paragraph about a Peacemaker they researched. Some students chose to read their paragraphs in a community meeting. The layers of the ocean were introduced. Hope everyone has a Happy Mothers Day.


Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Last Week of April

It has been another busy week.  The 3rd year students were in SAT testing each morning.  All students enjoyed learning more about clouds by conducting cloud experiments.  Students measured volumes of water using the metric and customary system. Each child calculated prime numbers to 100. Students have also been reviewing all math operations and memorizing math facts for each operation. We continued our look at the  human senses by focusing on the sense of smell.  Students learned about the olfactory system and used smelling bottles to isolate their sense of smell.   Analogies were introduced to all students.  Have a peaceful weekend.