Monday, August 26, 2013

Week in Review : Picture Edition

Alejandra and Zara work on a grammar job.
Nivedha and Raina work on a hundreds board.

Handwriting Lessons

Claudia and Leilany work on counting objects.

Ragav works with geometric solids.

Micah works with geometric solids.

Kiana, Andsley, and Alena work on the 45 layout.

Shifa and Savitri complete the decanomial.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Week in Review - August 19-23

Wow! What a busy week we had in our room! During language jobs, First graders explored nouns and compound words, Second graders worked with noun families, and Third graders worked with verbs. During math jobs, First Graders were introduced to fractions, Second Graders compared fractions, and Third graders worked with adding fractions. These were just some of the many jobs students completed this week! Students were also extremely excited and engaged as they did science experiments with solids, liquids and gases.

This coming week, we will continue to work and grow as a learning community. Students will work with geometric shapes (namely triangles), phonics, telling time, and grammar (articles and verb tenses). We will also kick off our science unit on the Solar System this week. Ask your student to teach you the "Planet Rap" this week! 

- All homework is typically sent home on Monday and is to be completed during the week. It is due on Friday. Students will be given Spelling tests and Math Timed tests in class every Friday.

-Reading Logs are to be signed each night. Be sure to return them each day in your child's red folder.

-If you are a new family to our school, be sure to contact us at,, or to schedule a brief conference with us.

- Student Personal Timelines are due Monday, August 26th.  

Have a great week! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Homework is due tomorrow!

Just a friendly reminder that all homework is due tomorrow! Please be sure to return spelling book, composition notebook, and math facts sheet. Students will be given a spelling and math facts test during the school day tomorrow.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Personal Timelines

Happy Monday!

Just a quick reminder that student timelines are due Monday, August 26th. You may use any size paper. We would like for the timelines to include a picture of each year of your child's life as well as a short description (one sentence to several sentences)

If you have questions or concerns, please email us or send a note in your child's red folder!

Thanks and have a great day!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Week in Review

We had a terrific week in Lower Elementary! We spent time learning the practices and procedures of our classroom, playing community building games, and getting right to work with work jobs and presentations.

This coming week, our normal schedule will be in full swing! We will continue to familiarize ourselves with the materials in the classroom during work time, receive presentations in all subject areas, and participate in the steps of the scientific process while completing hands-on science experiments. What a wonderful week of learning it will be!

- Homework was sent home with the students on Friday. All homework is typically sent home on Monday and is to be completed during the week. It is due on Friday. Students will be given Spelling tests and Math Timed tests in class every Friday.

-Reading Logs are to be signed each night. Be sure to return them each day in your child's red folder.

-If you are a new family to our school, be sure to contact us at,, or to schedule a brief conference with us.

-There will be a PTO meeting on Monday, August 19th in the Lower Elementary school building. At 6:00,  there will be a "meet and greet". At 6:30, Dr. Beedy will be speaking on 21st Century Education.

-Auditions for the school play (Snow White) will be held on August 23rd at 3:00 pm.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New Parent Conferences

Good morning! We hope that your child has enjoyed the first few days of school!

If your child is new to our school, please contact us to schedule a conference. We would like to meet briefly with you to discuss any questions you may have about our classroom procedures, schedule, etc. You can email us at or  or send a note in your child's red folder to schedule a conference time that would work for you.

Thanks and have a great day!

Monday, August 12, 2013

First Day of School!

We had a excellent first day of school! We practiced the rules and procedures of the classroom, shared our dreams/wishes for the school year, and played community building games!

Please remember the following:

-Please look through your child's red folder. Inside his or her folder, you will find a reading log. Students are expected to read each night for 30 minutes. Please initial that your child has read each night! You will also find a calendar designating when your child may bring items to share with the class.

-Please return any forms that were handed out in your Orientation packet.

-If you have not done so already, please send in a pair of shoes with non-marking soles for use during PE.

Thanks for sharing your child with us! We look forward to a fantastic week!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Welcome Back to School!

We enjoyed meeting everyone at the Lower Elementary Orientation today!

Please remember the following:

- Sign the Parental Agreement found in the Student Handbook and return it to school as soon as possible

-Bring a pair of non-marking shoes to be used during indoor P.E. These shoes should remain at school.

-The fee for our trips to Children's Theater is $26.00.

-Lunch and/or milk tickets may be purchased for $85.00 for a 20 punch lunch ticket. A 10 punch lunch ticket is $42.50 and a 20 punch extra milk ticket is $12.00.

-A red folder will be sent home with your child each day. Please sign the reading log and place any notes or payments in it.

-Don't forget to follow the directions for setting up Reminder 101. This service will allow you to receive important text messages from the school.

We look forward to a great year! See you Monday!