Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week in Review- October 21st -25th

Fall is in the air! We have enjoyed playing kickball on the field during PE time!
For  language jobs this week,  First grade students were introduced to prefixes, worked with adjectives, and wrote sentences with homonyms. Second grade students wrote homonym sentences, worked with verbs, and reviewed prefixes. Third grade students symbolized sentences with prepositions, wrote homonym sentences, and had more work with prefixes.  

For  math jobs this week,  First grade students compared fractions, were introduced to rounding numbers to the tens place, and continued to practice adding skills with the stamp game. Second grade students worked with rounding numbers to the hundreds, used the stamp game to solve multiplication problems, and used materials to find equivalent fractions . Third grade students worked with adding fractions with like denominators, wrote numbers and number words in the millions place, and used the stamp game to solve subtraction problems.

For cultural lessons this week, students received lessons on the needs of humans. All grade levels will be doing further research on a country or a culture. Students were also introduced to the vertebrates of the animal kingdom, received presentations on the continents using the puzzle maps, and continued working in groups to create a new planet.

This coming week, students will receive presentations on synonyms, plural nouns, telling time and money. Students will also carve a pumpkin and do an expository writing about it. We look forward to other Halloween activities as well.


-October 31st will be our Halloween Party. Students are invited to dress up as a book character, a famous person from history,or an animal. Students may also dress in traditional clothing that represents their native country or culture. We ask students to refrain from bringing any type of weapon as part of their costumes. Students should also write a paragraph about the character, famous person, or animal they are dressed up as. They will also be invited to read their paragraph aloud to the class.  Students will participate in a school-wide costume parade at 9:00 followed by a time of games and snacks in the classroom! Be on the lookout for an email about how you can help! 

-Thursday, Nov. 7th- Make-up picture day and sibling pictures

-Monday, Nov. 11th- No School for Veteran's Day

-Friday, Nov. 15th- Parent's Night Out! Babysitting at the school 6-10 pm
                                 Register by Nov. 8th

-Friday, Nov. 22nd- Talent Show (Auditions held on Monday, Oct. 28th)

-Tuesday, Nov.26th- School dismissed at 1:00- NO AFTERCARE

-Wednesday, Nov. 27th - Thursday, November 29th - No School for Thanksgiving Holiday

-Reading Logs are to be signed each night. Be sure to return them each day in your child's red folder.

Have a great week! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Planet Experiments

Mercury Experiment - making craters
Jupiter Experiment- exploring how the gases swirl

Mars Experiment- creating the surface of Mars by oxidizing steel wool in sand
Mercury Experiment
Venus Experiment- observing how Venus' gases trap in the heat
Recording observations from the Jupiter experiment
Recording  observations

Mars Experiment

Trip to Moundville!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Week in Review - Oct. 14th-18th

Even though it was a short week, our students were busy at work!

For  language jobs this week,  First grade students were introduced to homonyms, reviewed suffixes, and worked with articles and adjectives. Second grade students worked with homonyms, reviewed common and proper nouns, and completed work with verbs. Third grade students worked with homonyms, practiced capitalizing the names of cities and states, and worked with preposition boxes. 

For  math jobs this week,  First grade students built numbers with the stamp game, reviewed telling time to the hour and half hour, and continued writing number words to 100. Second grade students worked with multiplication using the stamp game, reviewed money, and compared numbers to the hundred thousands place. Third grade students practiced their multiplication skills, were introduced to elapsed time, and completed word problems involving money.  

For science this week, students began working together in teams to create a new planet. They were tasked with naming the planet, determining the distance it is from the sun, describing the effect of gravity on the planet, and describing its surface. We can't wait to see what the students create! 

This coming week, students will receive presentations on the next Great Lesson (the needs of humans), complete additional work with homonyms, work with rounding numbers and fractions, write number words, and much more!


-October 31st will be our Halloween Party. Students are invited to dress up as a book character, a famous person from history, or an animal. We ask students to refrain from bringing any type of weapon as part of their costumes. Students should also write a paragraph about the character, famous person, or animal they are dressed up as.  Students will participate in a school-wide costume parade followed by a time of games and snacks in the classroom! Be on the lookout for an email about how you can help! 

-Reading Logs are to be signed each night. Be sure to return them each day in your child's red folder.

Have a great week! 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Week in Review: October 7th -11th

Lower Elementary has been busy at work!

For math and language jobs this week, students reviewed concepts previous taught this quarter. Students thoroughly enjoyed researching volcanoes, working with jobs from the word study cabinet, and reviewing math facts.

The highlight of our week was our trip to Moundville. Students had many wonderful experiences!  We visited the Jones Archaelogical museum and saw artifacts used in a traditional wedding ceremony, surveyed traditional Native American dancing from atop a mound, and experienced what life was like in the late 1700s and early 1800s in the Living History Camp. Our class was told by two separate re-enactors that we were the smartest school group that they had talked with that day!  Students (and the teachers) even enjoyed a sample of fry bread! 

This coming week, students will receive presentations on homonyms, additional work with suffixes, comparing numbers, word problems with money, and much more!


- There is NO SCHOOL for students on Monday, October 14th. 

-First Quarter Progress Reports  will go home on Wednesday, October 16th.

-Conferences- Parent Teacher conferences will be held from Wednesday, October 16th to Tuesday, October 22nd. Please come by Classroom 3 to sign up for a conference time.
-Early dismissal- Students will be dismissed at 1:00 on Thursday, October 17th and Friday, October 18th due to conferences.

-Reading Logs are to be signed each night. Be sure to return them each day in your child's red folder.

Have a great week! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lower Elementary Reminders - October 9th

           Lower Elementary Reminders
                                                     October 9th, 2013

Picture Day- Pictures will be taken on Thursday, October 10th.

Field Trip – Our field trip to Moundville is on Friday, October 11th. Please send in your child’s permission slip and money if you haven’t already done so. Please note that all students will need a sack lunch on Friday!

First Quarter Progress Reports  will go home on Wednesday, October 16th.

Conferences- Parent Teacher conferences will be held from Wednesday, October 16th to Tuesday, October 22nd. Please come by Classroom 3 to sign up for a conference time.

Early dismissal- Students will be dismissed at 1:00 on Thursday, October 17th and Friday, October 18th due to conferences.