Sunday, March 20, 2016

Week in Review : March 14th -18th

It was an awesome week in Lower Elementary! Students worked very hard on their jobs and enjoyed many presentations!

For language jobs this week, first grade students had further practice with prepositions, prefixes, analogies, and ABC Order. Second grade students had further practice with homonyms, symbolized sentences containing a pronoun, and reviewed analogies and ABC Order. Third grade students had further practice determining facts from opinions, reviewed the rules for placing quotation marks within a sentence, reviewed analogies, and analyzed sentences in order to find the direct object of a sentence.

For math jobs this week, first grade students worked with addition, multiplication, and subtraction operations, reviewed probability, determined odd and even numbers, and identified equivalent fractions. Second grade students worked with math operations, reviewed probability, solved two step word problems, and reviewed even and odd numbers. Third grade students worked with all math operations, reviewed probability, identified time vocabulary, and wrote decimal numbers in word form.

For cultural jobs, students began a unit of study on Native Americans in History. In science, students had continued study of photosynthesis. In Geography, students began a unit on Biomes. Using the computers, students discovered the different types of biomes and chose one to research.

We look forward to a wonderful week next week!


Tuesday, March 22nd- 7:30 AM - Camp McDowell Meeting for 3rd grade students and parents 

Tuesday, March 22nd- 7:00 PM - Spring Concert - Please have students in the classroom no later than 6:40. 

Thursday, March 24th- DISMISSAL at 1:00 for Spring Holiday! NO AFTERCARE! 

Friday, March 25th - Friday, April 1st - SPRING BREAK HOLIDAY

Saturday, April 23rd  - 6:30 pm - PTO Spring Auction 

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Week in Review : February 29th - March 4th

We had a wonderful week in Lower Elementary! The highlight of our week was a demonstration from the Lakeshore Foundation Wheelchair Rugby team. Thanks to Coach Brad for fostering a connection with this amazing organization!

For language jobs this week, first graders used contractions in a sentence and  located and symbolized verbs in sentences, and edited sentences for capitalization.  Second grade students reviewed plural nouns, symbolized sentences, and edited paragraphs for errors. Third grade students wrote sentences with singular and plural possessives words, symbolized sentences, and edited paragraphs for errors.

For math jobs this week, first grade students worked with large addition and subtraction problems, renamed improper fractions to mixed numbers, completed addition word problems, measured shapes in centimeters, and reviewed rounding numbers to the tens and hundreds place. Second grade students solved subtraction problems, added and subtracted fractions, solved word problems with subtraction, measured objects from the classroom, and reviewed the commutative and associative property of addition and multiplication. Third grade students worked with all math operations, multiplied fractions, discovered equivalent figures, completed word problems, found averages, and review measurement conversions.

For cultural lessons, students were treated to a special presentation by Mrs. Genie on technology of the past. Students even got to watch a video of Mrs. Genie as a child on her family's movie projector. It was a special lesson on a special day (Leap Day and Mrs. Genie's Birthday!) Students also received a lesson about the branches of government as well as a science lesson on the parts of a leaf.


Wednesday, March 9th - Progress Reports go home 

Thursday, March 10th and Friday, March 11th - Lower Elementary students will dismiss at 1:00 both days due to conferences. Use this link Conference Sign Up  to sign up for a conference!