Monday, March 20, 2017

Week in Review: March 13th - 17th

We had a wonderful week in Lower Elementary! Our week kicked off with a special PI day celebration on Tuesday, March 14th (3.14). Students made bracelets which symbolized the first 15 digits of pi, found the circumference and diameter of different sized cans, and graphed the digits of pi on graph paper! Pie was even served at lunch! Students had a great time! Our third grade students had an amazing adventure at Camp McDowell as well! Photos to come soon!

For language jobs this week, first grade students reviewed contractions, practiced identifying the problem and solution of a story, reviewed homonyms, homophones, and homographs, and had more practice with past tense verbs. Second grade students reviewed contractions, practiced identifying story elements, reviewed homonyms, homophones, and homographs, and wrote sentences with pronouns. Third grade students, reviewed contractions, identified story elements, reviewed homophones, homographs, homonyms, and identified the subject and predicate of a sentence.

For math jobs this week, all students identified the parts of a circle in preparation for PI day. First grade students solved large subtraction problems, while second and third grade students solved problems involving all operations.

In science this week, students continued their study of invertebrates by exploring annelids (segmented worms). Students did various experiments with earthworms to see if they preferred light or dark, wet or dry areas, the top or bottom of the soil, and where they are the most sensitive to touch (head, middle, or tail). Students had a great time with these experiments! In history, students were given a powerpoint presentation about Women in Science and viewed several short videos highlighting the accomplishments of women like Jane Goodall, Mae Jemison, and Rachel Carson. Students will create posters highlighting the work of these amazing women for their follow up this week!


Friday, March 24th - DISMISSAL at 1:00 for Spring Break Holiday (NO AFTERCARE) 

Monday, March 27th - Friday, March 31st - Spring Break Holiday 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week in Review: March 6th- 10th

It was another fantastic week in Lower Elementary! Students had a great time working in the classroom on various math, language, and cultural jobs.

For language jobs, first grade students identified the key elements in a fiction story, reviewed homonyms, worked with contractions, and sorted present and past tense verbs. Second grade students identified the key elements in a fiction story, reviewed homonyms, created contractions, and wrote sentences with pronouns. Third grade students identified key elements in a fiction story, reviewed homonyms, created contractions, and identified the subject and predicate of a sentence.

For math jobs, first grade students solved large subtraction problems, reviewed the names for different types of fractions, and completed various numeration jobs such as rounding or identifying place value. Second graders worked with all math operations, completed various numeration jobs such as rounding or identifying place value, and had continued work with money word problems. Third grade students had work with all math operations, reviewed the decimal system, and had continued work with elapsed time.

For cultural jobs, students continued their study of invertebrates with an introduction to mollusks. Students watched a powerpoint presentation and a short video highlighting the three main types of mollusks (bivalves, gastropods, and cephalopods). Students then were able to sort shells based on the type of mollusk the belonged to. Students began a study of Women's History by viewing a powerpoint presentation about famous women and their contributions to society. Students then designed a postage stamp depicting a famous women of his or her choice.

March 13th - 17th - Book Fair 

March 15th - 17th - Third Graders go to Camp McDowell 

Tuesday, March 21st- Spring Program 7:00

Friday, March 24th - DISMISSAL at 1:00 for Spring Break Holiday 

Monday, March 27th - Friday, March 31st - Spring Break Holiday 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Week in Review: February 27th - March 3rd

We had a great week in Lower Elementary!  Students were busy completing quarterly math and language reviews, taking STAR Reading and STAR Math tests, and reviewing concepts learned during the third quarter. Students had a special treat on Tuesday, as Mrs. Genie brought in King Cakes to celebrate Mardi Gras and her birthday!

This week, students will review fractions term, complete fraction word problems, create contractions, identify story elements, and much more! We look forward to a great week!


Wednesday, March 8th - Progress Reports go home 

Thursday, March 9th  and Friday, March 10th - School dismisses at 1:00 for Parent Teacher Conferences 

Friday, March 10th - School Play - The Wizard of Oz - 6:30 

March 13th - 17th - Book Fair 

March 15th - 17th - Third Graders go to Camp McDowell 

Tuesday, March 21st- Spring Program 7:00