Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24th - 28th

Hello everyone! Lower Elementary students are busy at work on all kinds of math, language, and cultural jobs. We can't wait for them to share with you all the wonderful work they have done in the past few weeks! The Lower Elementary building has been buzzing with activity as students prepare for their Spring Program on Thursday!

For language jobs this week, first grade students will review rhyming words, prefixes, suffixes, and write sentences with prepositions. Second grade students will review prefixes, suffixes, plural nouns, and possessive nouns. Third grade students will review prefixes, suffixes, and analogies. They will also continue to diagram sentences by identifying the subject, predicate, direct object, and adverbial phrase in a sentence. All students will be introduced (or review) the common types of sentences.

For math jobs this week, all students will review rounding numbers, types of fractions, expanded notation, even/odd numbers, and number words. First graders will continue work with large addition, multiplication, and subtraction problems. Second and third graders will continue to work with all math operations.

Cultural projects continue to capture the attention of our students! Students have completed research on biomes and invertebrates the last few weeks. Students have also enjoyed learning about renewable and nonrenewable resources and how we can have a positive impact on our environment. Students enjoyed learning about Earth Day on this past Friday!

We look forward to an amazing week ahead!


Thursday, April 27th - Spring Program 

Monday, May 1st- Friday, May 5th - SAT testing for 3rd grade 

Friday, May 12th - Peace Ceremony 9:00 

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Week in Review: April 10th - 14th

We had a wonderful week in Lower Elementary! Classrooms 1 and 2 enjoyed their trip to the Children's Theater to see "James and the Giant Peach"!

For language arts jobs, first grade students reviewed synonyms and antonyms, identified prepositions, practiced their dictionary skills, and made inferences based on what they read in a passage. Second grade students reviewed antonyms and synonyms, identified conjunctions, practiced their dictionary skills, and made inferences based on what they read in a passage. Third grade students reviewed antonyms and synonyms, analyzed sentences for the subject, predicate, and direct object, practiced locating words in the dictionary and thesaurus, and made inferences based on what they read in a passage.

For math jobs, first graders worked with large addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems, practiced reading a bar graph, learned terms for describing the probability of an event occurring, and added fractions with like denominators. Second grade students worked with all operations, collected data and created a graph, and learned terms for describing the probability of a event occurring. Third grade students worked will all operations, found the average of a group of numbers, and reviewed terms for describing the probability of an event occurring.

For cultural lessons, students identified body parts and traits of echinoderms such as sea stars, sand dollars, and sea slugs. In history, students began to identify the impact of pollution and overfishing on the ocean.  In geography, students began a unit on biomes. Students matched pictures cards to words identifying the major biomes.

Tuesday, April 11th - Art Show 

Friday, April 14th - No School - Good Friday Holiday 

Monday, April 17th - No School - Easter Monday Holiday