Friday, February 22, 2019

February 25th-March 1st, 2019

It is hard to believe the month of February is already coming to an end. On Monday, February 25th the 3rd graders will be visiting upper elementary. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to experience what all JBMA has to offer them next year. We will also be welcoming the incoming kindergarten students to our environment. This is an important time for our students to take on more of a leadership role.

This week students will learn about dividing a fraction by a whole number and continue to practice measuring quadrilaterals. First graders are learning about prepositions, second graders are learning about pronouns, while third graders are learning sentence analysis. All students are practicing abbreviations and contractions. Next week we will finish our month long student on Black History by honoring famous Alabamians.

Next Wednesday, February 27th, 3rd grade parents will have a short meeting at 7:30 am to discuss our upcoming overnight field trip to Camp McDowell.

 The end of the 3rd quarter is March 1st. Progress reports will be sent home the week of March 11th.

Lower Elementary will be having parent -  teacher conferences on Thursday, March 14th and 15th. Students will be dismissed at 1 pm on both days. We do have aftercare available. Please make arrangements accordingly.

Friday, February 15, 2019

February 11-15th 2019

This week was a quick one with the field trip for Classroom 3 and the Valentine’s Day

Please remember that school will be closed on Monday, February 18th for Presidents

Next week all students will continue practice on division and fraction word problems.
Students will be presented lessons on perimeter and area of quadrilaterals, homonyms,
and contractions. In history, the students will learn about the Harlem Renaissance which
occured in the 1920’s. The contributions of African American artist will be highlighted
during this time. In science, we will move onto the muscular system.

Feb. 25th Move Up Day (this is an opportunity for all 3rd graders to visit Upper Elementary)

On Wednesday, February 27th  3rd grade parents are invited to a short meeting about
Camp McDowell.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Week of February 4th-8th, 2019

Lower Elementary had an exciting week. Classroom 1 and 2 went to see the play "A Hundred Dresses" on Tuesday. Classroom 3 will be attending this coming Tuesday.  Many of you may remember this book from your own childhood. The message of acceptance and of not teasing someone for being different is a valuable lesson for students of all ages.

This week students were given a lesson on the commutative properties of addition and multiplication. We will be practicing jobs pertaining to the associative and identity properties as well. Students worked on fraction word problems, angles, homographs, and possessive nouns.

We started an exciting unit on Black History this week. Students learned about civil rights activist this week. Our focus was on Ruby Bridge and Audrey Faye Hendricks. Next week, we will look at the contribution of African American inventors. Students continued working on their Native American research projects. In science, the students learned more about the respiratory system. We looked at how the lungs work as well as why we yawn.

We have several things coming up next week so please mark your calendars.

Tuesday, February 12th  Class Room 3 attends Children's Theater

Thursday, February 14th Children will exchange Valentine's Day cards with their classmates.
Classroom 1= 11 students  Classroom 2= 13 students  Classroom 3= 23 students

We will all come together for a small snack towards the end of the afternoon.

Friday, February 15th Peace Assembly at 9:00 am 1st graders will be presenting

Monday, February 18th No school Presidents Day

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Week in Review: January 27- February 1st

What an amazing week we had in Lower Elementary. Again, thank you all for your understanding in regards to the "weather day" on Tuesday. Regardless of the missed day the children were all very focused and eager to attend to their responsibilities. 

All of the children were given lessons on the digestive system as well as learning more about the regions of the United States. Students started conducting research on Native American tribes in the our area. Students were given lessons on division, homographs, plurals, and multiplying a fraction by a whole number.

Important Dates:

Feb. 14th Valentine's Day exchange (students will need to bring in a card for each of their classmates)
Feb. 15th Peace Ceremony at 9 am
Feb. 18th NO SCHOOL (President's Day)
Feb. 25th Move Up Day (this is an opportunity for all 3rd graders to visit Upper Elementary)