Dear Families,
We have several things coming up this month. This Friday, we will be having our first Peace Assembly. Third graders will be presenting. The assembly starts at 9:00 am and usually last 30 minutes. Also this Friday will be our first week of homework. Please keep in mind these are suppose to be activities that you and your child could complete together or they could do with little to no assistant. We will be sending home homework home in their red folder as well as a red notebook in which they will record all information. We will return the notebook each Friday. Again, remember that the most important activity your child can do nighly is read. If you have any questions contact your child's teacher.
Next week in class, students will be learning about the basic landforms and about the planets. All students will be given lessons on comparing fractions, counting coins, antonyms, and editing. First graders will learn more about nouns. Second graders will be learning about linking verbs and third graders will be practicing more sentences with adverbs.
Students practicing rolling rugs.
Mrs. Genie reading to a group of students.
Third graders performing "Drama of the Archezoic Ocean" in the outdoor classroom. |
A group of students performing their magic show.