Thursday, January 23, 2020

Week of January 20-24, 2020

We had a great short week. Students were busy helping restore the environment and practicing materials to present to their parents. This Thursday, January 23rd, we are having our Parent's Night at Bruno. 

Toddlers and Preschool 6:00-6:45 p.m.
Lower Elementary 6:30-7:30 p.m. 
Upper Elementary 7:00-8:00 p.m. 
Middle School 7:00-8:00 p.m.

Parents’ Night is a fun and interesting way for parents to be informed about the learning that takes place in the classroom. Students become the teachers as they choose jobs to demonstrate to the parents and other guests. There is no better way to demonstrate understanding than to be able to teach others. Whether it is a multiplication lesson on the checkerboard or a project-based learning activity, parents always enjoy seeing firsthand what their children do each day in the classroom.

On Wednesday, February 5th, all 3rd grade parents are invited for a short meeting in regards to Camp McDowell. This trip is scheduled for March 11th-13th. The meeting will be held in Classroom 3 at 7:30 am. If you are unable to attend no worries. I will send all paperwork home with your child that day. 

Saturday, January 11, 2020

First Week Back January 7-10, 2020

We all had a great first week back! Students were eager to be with their friends and I think we all agree that being back on a schedule felt good.

This week, students jumped right back into the curriculum. First graders are still practicing with identifying and symbolizing articles, adjectives, and nouns. Second graders are working on adverbs while 3rd graders continued their practice with conjunctions. In math, all students practiced both large addition and multiplication. Next week, we will start our practice on subtraction. We also started learning about homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same,  spelled different, and have different meanings. An example is sea and see OR I and eye.

Students were also introduced to persuasive writing. We will be working with the students closely on this writing genre during the quarter. All students continued practice on telling time, counting coins, and cursive. We encourage each child to read a book at home and take an AR test at school. Parents should help their child record the name of the book in their reading log. This is located in their red folder. If your child has misplaced that please let a teacher know.

In January we have several important dates.

January 13th, Progress reports will be sent home at 5:00 pm
January 20th, Monday, School will be closed for Martin Luther King Jr Holiday.
January 23th, Thursday will be Parent's Night.