We made it to the Holiday Break!! We wish everyone a safe and happy time to relax and be blessed. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!!!
Joseph Bruno Montessori Academy - Lower Elementary Students ages 6 - 9 years old
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Friday, December 11, 2020
December 7- 11, 2020
Don't you just love Alabama weather in December? Freezing on Monday and short sleeves on Friday and rain in the forecast. At least the children got to go outside everyday for recess. Meanwhile in class, they are learning about Vikings, using a "bird's eye view" map, and capillary action in plant stems. Weekly practice continues for basic lessons in reading comprehension, cursive handwriting, word study, math facts, operations with multiplication, rounding, time, and money. Everyone had an introduction to adding mixed numbers for fraction work. The students are working hard to finish their workplans and do some holiday choice jobs. We can hardly wait for next week!! Remember that Friday, December 18 will be Pajama Day. They can wear pajamas that still meet school clothing guidelines.
Friday, December 4, 2020
Nov.30 - Dec.4
Welcome back from Thanksgiving Break. All 3 grade levels are practicing new parts of speech: 1st-verbs, 2nd-prepostions, and 3rd-pronouns. The students are also writing more descriptive paragraphs. Rounding has been introduced starting at rounding to the tens place. Branching off one of the Fundementals of Geometry, students were presented 3 positions of a straight line: horizontal, vertical, and oblique. Everyone should still be reading every night and please record the titles on the Reading Log. It really helps the students to look over the list to spell the words correctly when choosing an AR quiz. Only 2 weeks until the Holiday Break. We are ready to finish out this 2020 crazy year.