Saturday, February 6, 2016

Week in Review: February 1th -5th

It was a great week in Lower Elementary! Students have been very busy in and out of the classroom! Students especially enjoyed a fencing demonstration during P.E. time this week. Thanks to Coach Brad for bringing such a fun demonstration to JBMA!

For language jobs this week, first graders worked matched animals and their sounds and were introduced to basic uses for commas. Second grade students worked with comparative adjectives and explored various uses for commas. Third grade students identified the subject and predicate of sentences, identified plural possessive nouns, and used commas to separate nouns in a series within a sentence.

For math jobs this week, first grade students worked with multiplication facts and large multiplication problems, were introduced to feet and yards, converted improper fractions to mixed numbers, and solved riddles describing geometric solids. Second grade students worked with large subtraction problems, reviewed column addition using the Dot Game, measured items in feet and yards, and solved riddles describing geometric solids.

For cultural lessons, students continued their study of plants by taking a closer look at the different types of stems in science. Students also began their historical and geographical study of South Africa and Germany. Students were introduced to basic facts about the countries and identified various geographical features. We look forward to sharing this information during the International Festival!

Next week, students will be busy editing their writing, reviewing grammar symbols, measuring the length of items, and exploring concepts in geometry! It will be a wonderful week filled with learning and a bit of fun! Our Valentine's Day Party will be on Friday, February 12th at 1:30!


February 12th: Valentine's Day Party at 1:30. Each student will need 51 valentines with just the "From" part filled out their his or her name. We will exchange valentines and then have an ice cream sundae treat!
February 12th : School Play - One Hundred and One Dalmatians 
February 15th : No School - President's Day 
February 19th: Peace Ceremony 
February 20th: International Festival 3pm-6pm 

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