Saturday, November 2, 2013

Week in Review: October 28th-November 1st

Pumpkin carving, Halloween parade, and special snacks, oh my! We had a wonderful week in the Lower Elementary!

For  language jobs this week,  First grade students were introduced to synonyms, worked with plural words, and matched sets of antonyms . Second grade students worked with synonyms, reviewed antonyms, and worked with plural words. Third grade students discussed the difference between plural and possessive nouns and did further work with antonyms and synonyms. 

For math jobs this week,  First grade students counted groups of pennies, wrote number words for 80-100, and reviewed time to the hour and half hour. Second grade students counted coins between $1.00 -$1.50, were introduced to the checkerboard, and reviewed telling time to the five minute mark. Third grade students solved money word problems, worked with subtraction, and reviewed elapsed time. 

For cultural lessons this week, students completed their planet creations, viewed a video on animal classification, explored the invertebrates on an animal classification chart, and continued research on a continent of their choice.

The highlight of our week was the Halloween festivities on Thursday! We enjoyed walking in the parade, having candy corn relays, making a ghost craft, and decorating cookies! A special thanks to Sarah Ellen Levine, Sandhya Sasse, Kinjal Soni, Kathi Ramani, Shabana Jalali, Tanya Wallace, Kelly Charles, and to everyone who sent in items for the party! Pictures to come soon! 

This coming week, students will receive presentations on lines and angles, rounding, analogies, grammar (noun families, verbs, and prepositions), and much more! 

-All homework is typically sent home on Monday and is to be completed during the week. It is due on Friday. Students will be given Spelling tests and Math Timed tests in class every Friday. For this week, students should complete the review chapter in the spelling book. This week's spelling test, however, will come from a personalized specific list of words that will be sent home with the students on Monday. Please look for more information and the spelling list in your child's red folder! 

-Thursday, Nov. 7th- Make-up picture day and sibling pictures

-Monday, Nov. 11th- No School for Veteran's Day

-Friday, Nov. 15th- Parent's Night Out! Babysitting at the school 6-10 pm
                                 Register by Nov. 8th

-Friday, Nov. 22nd- Talent Show (Auditions held on Monday, Oct. 28th)

-Tuesday, Nov.26th- School dismissed at 1:00- NO AFTERCARE

-Wednesday, Nov. 27th - Thursday, November 29th - No School for Thanksgiving Holiday

-Reading Logs are to be signed each night. Be sure to return them each day in your child's red folder.

Have a great week! 

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