Sunday, May 4, 2014

Week in Review : April 28 - May 2

We had another wonderful week in Lower Elementary! Students had a great time on field day as they raced on scooters, played water games, created an egg crate for an egg drop contest, and created a team cheer. 

For language jobs this week,  First grade students wrote their own poems, symbolized parts of speech in a written sentence, and completed a word study choice job.  Second grade students practiced writing haikus, symbolized the parts of speech found in written sentences, and completed a word study choice job. Third Grade students wrote an original poem, analyzed sentences, and completed a word study choice job. 

For math jobs this week,  First grade students worked with subtraction, created a book of geometric solids, and counted sets of coins. Second grade students worked with division, solved problems by adding and subtracting fractions, and completed two-step word problems. Third Grade students practiced all math operations, solved problems by adding, subtracting, and multiplying fractions, and solved word problems using all operations. 

In science, students continued to study vertebrates. Students viewed a Smartboard presentation on birds, which included viewing some video clips of birds we might see around the school. At the end of the week,  students went bird watching along the campus and spotted Canada geese, Mockingbirds, Cardinals, and Chickadees!  Check out to learn more about birds found in Alabama! 

Next week, First and Second grade students will be busy at work editing texts, responding to texts, and taking STAR Reading and STAR Math tests.  Students will also complete 4th quarter language and math reviews.

We wish our Third graders the best of luck as they complete SAT testing this week! They will do great! 

-All homework is typically sent home on Monday and is to be completed during the week. It is due on Friday. Students will be given Spelling tests and Math Timed tests in class every Friday. THIRD GRADERS WILL NOT HAVE HOMEWORK THIS WEEK DUE TO THE SAT's.

Per the handbook, if a student has a fever or vomiting, they may not return to school for 24 hours. This simple practice helps all of us to be present and ready to work each day.

                                                                         May Events

May 5th-9th - 3rd Grade Testing
May 16th- End of Quarter
May 21st- Progress Reports go home
May 23rd- LAST DAY of School- Dismiss at 1:00

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