Thursday, August 28, 2014

Week in Review - August 25-29

We had a fantastic week in Lower Elementary! From science experiments to playing soccer in the gorgeous sunshine, students did a great job of working together to accomplish their goals!

For Language jobs this week, first graders sorted nouns by identifying them as a person, place or thing. They also completed phonics work and were introduced to antonyms. Second graders wrote noun families, identified blends (cr, tr, br, scr) found in words, and worked with synonyms. Third graders reviewed verb tenses, prefixes, and created words using various blends. 

For Math jobs this week, first graders used triangles to create shapes such as a trapezoid, rectangle, square, and parallelogram. They also practiced telling time to hour and built numbers with the golden beads and stamp game. Second graders created shapes using various triangles, reviewed time to the hour and half hour, and used the golden beads to practice multiplication. Third graders reviewed the different types of triangles (right angle, scalene, obtuse, etc.), practiced telling time to the five minute mark, and worked with the checkerboard to do multiplication problems. All students worked to identify even and odd numbers. 

In cultural studies, students continued with the science experiments which stem from the first Great Lesson. This week, students watched as some paraffin wax changed from a solid to a liquid to a gas when placed over a flame. Students explored how iron filings were separated from a mixture of sand when a magnet was held above the bowl. Students also created a viscous solution by placing sugar into water and comparing it to regular water. 


- There will be no school on Monday, September 1st due to the Labor Day holiday.  Have a great long weekend! 

- Homework will be sent home each Monday and is to be returned the following Friday. We also encourage students to read for 30 minutes each night and record it on the reading log found in your child's red folder. 

-Personal Timelines are due Sept. 2nd! 

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