Monday, February 23, 2015

Contracts Due!

Just a friendly reminder that contracts for the 2015-2016 school year are due on Friday, February 27th!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week in Review : February 17-20

We had a wonderful, but chilly, week in Lower Elementary! Students were busy with research, jobs, and learning our two songs which we will perform at the International Festival!

For language jobs this week, first graders reviewed antonyms and were introduced to prepositions. Second graders practiced paraphrasing, wrote sentences with adverbs, and separated words into syllables. Third graders were introduced to conjunctions, worked with analogies, practiced paraphrasing text, and separated words into syllables.

For math jobs this week, first graders practiced identifying even and odd numbers, compared numbers, identified types of lines, solved multiplication problems using the checkerboard, and reviewed number words. Second graders worked with expanded notation, compared numbers, solved division problems using the stamp game, and practiced division facts. Third graders worked with expanded notation, solved division problems, and explored divisibility.

For cultural jobs this week, students explored the history and meanings behind the flag of Argentina. Students also continued to prepare for the International Festival on Saturday, February 28th, by learning two children's songs commonly sung in South America.

Next week, students will continue to prepare for the International Festival. Students will also complete quarterly reviews, take STAR Reading and STAR Math tests, and select choice jobs from the shelves! It will be a great week!

International Festival - Students will present two songs from Argentina during the International Festival on Saturday, February 28th. More information on the exact time of our performance will come shortly! Please consider coming out and seeing all the countries represented! It will be a great time! 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Week in Review: February 9-13

We had another great week in Lower Elementary! The highlight of our week was our Peace Ceremony and Valentine's Day party on Friday. Thank you to all the parents who brought items and/or helped serve the delicious food! Pictures to follow!

For language jobs this week, first grade students sorted rhyming words, matched animals to the sounds that they make, edited sentences for punctuation and capitalization, and matched synonyms. Second graders reviewed antonyms and synonyms, wrote sentences with adverbs, reviewed common and proper nouns, and edited sentences for errors. Third graders wrote sentences with pronouns, edited sentences for errors, reviewed antonyms and synonyms, and identified common and proper nouns.

For math jobs, first graders were introduced to the checkerboard, changed improper fractions to mixed numbers, identified curved and straight lines, and practiced skip counting by 3's and 4's. Second graders worked with subtraction word problems, were introduced to division, solved word problems by adding amounts of money, and compared fractions. Third graders created factor trees, completed problems containing all four operations, were introduced to the distributive property, and compared fractions.

For cultural jobs, students continued their study of Argentina. Students also were also shown the Timeline of Inventions, which highlights important inventions from 4,000 B.C. up to more modern times.

Next week, students will review syllables, have work with all four math operations, create an Argentine flag, and explore expanded notation. We will have a wonderful week!


Snack- Last week, we reviewed the snack procedure with students. The following is the agreed upon procedure written by students and teachers. 

1.)  Students should be mindful of the time allotted for snack and will be responsible for finding time to eat between 9:00 and 10:30. 

2.) Four people at a time are allowed at the snack table in Classroom 3, while two people are allowed at a time in Classroom 2. 

3.) Students should eat only one or two small items for snack. 

4.) Once at the snack table, students may eat their snack while being mindful of the time. 

5.) When students have finished snack, they should clean their area and return to work.

Chapstick and Lotions- With the cold and windy weather, many students are having chapped lips and dry hands. If you wish to send Chapstick or lotion with your child, please do so with a note saying how often it can be applied.

2/18- Work Binders will go home
2/28- International Festival 4pm - 7pm 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Week in Review: February 2-6

It was a great week in Lower Elementary! Students were busy at work!

For language jobs, first grade students worked with suffixes, reviewed compound words, and matched animals to the sounds that they make. Second graders reviewed suffixes, plural possessive nouns, and found synonyms for words by using the thesaurus. Third graders reviewed pronouns and plural possessive nouns, identified where quotation marks should go in a sentence, and found synonyms for words by using the thesaurus.

For math jobs, first grade students practiced their multiplication skills, reviewed telling time to the quarter hour, counted groups of nickels and pennies, and identified straight and curved lines. Second grade students solved subtraction problems with the stamp game, reviewed even and odd numbers, practiced telling time, and counted groups of mixed coins. Third grade students reviewed even and odd numbers, solved 2 and 3 step word problems, and identified types of angles.

For cultural jobs, students continued their study of Argentina. Students also viewed a short video on the layers of the atmosphere, which helped to enhance their learning from previous weeks.


Snack- Last week, we reviewed the snack procedure with students. The following is the agreed upon procedure written by students and teachers. 

1.)  Students should be mindful of the time allotted for snack and will be responsible for finding time to eat between 9:00 and 10:30. 

2.) Four people at a time are allowed at the snack table in Classroom 3, while two people are allowed at a time in Classroom 2. 

3.) Students should eat only one or two small items for snack. 

4.) Once at the snack table, students may eat their snack while being mindful of the time. 

5.) When students have finished snack, they should clean their area and return to work. 

Valentine's Day-  Students will have a small Valentines Day Party on Friday, February 13th from 1:00-2:00. If your student would like to bring Valentines Day cards, we ask that he or she simply fill them out with his or her name only. Students do not need to write the names of their classmates on the valentines. We have 38 students participating in the valentine exchange.  Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns! 

Friday, February 13th  is a busy day for students! We will have our 3rd quarter Peace Ceremony in the morning and our Valentines Day party in the afternoon. Many of our students will also be performing in the musical, "Willy Wonka", that evening! 

There will be on school on Monday, February 16th, due to the President's Day holiday.