For language jobs, first grade students worked with suffixes, reviewed compound words, and matched animals to the sounds that they make. Second graders reviewed suffixes, plural possessive nouns, and found synonyms for words by using the thesaurus. Third graders reviewed pronouns and plural possessive nouns, identified where quotation marks should go in a sentence, and found synonyms for words by using the thesaurus.
For math jobs, first grade students practiced their multiplication skills, reviewed telling time to the quarter hour, counted groups of nickels and pennies, and identified straight and curved lines. Second grade students solved subtraction problems with the stamp game, reviewed even and odd numbers, practiced telling time, and counted groups of mixed coins. Third grade students reviewed even and odd numbers, solved 2 and 3 step word problems, and identified types of angles.
For cultural jobs, students continued their study of Argentina. Students also viewed a short video on the layers of the atmosphere, which helped to enhance their learning from previous weeks.
Snack- Last week, we reviewed the snack procedure with students. The following is the agreed upon procedure written by students and teachers.
1.) Students should be mindful of the time allotted for snack and will be responsible for finding time to eat between 9:00 and 10:30.
2.) Four people at a time are allowed at the snack table in Classroom 3, while two people are allowed at a time in Classroom 2.
3.) Students should eat only one or two small items for snack.
4.) Once at the snack table, students may eat their snack while being mindful of the time.
5.) When students have finished snack, they should clean their area and return to work.
Valentine's Day- Students will have a small Valentines Day Party on Friday, February 13th from 1:00-2:00. If your student would like to bring Valentines Day cards, we ask that he or she simply fill them out with his or her name only. Students do not need to write the names of their classmates on the valentines. We have 38 students participating in the valentine exchange. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
Friday, February 13th is a busy day for students! We will have our 3rd quarter Peace Ceremony in the morning and our Valentines Day party in the afternoon. Many of our students will also be performing in the musical, "Willy Wonka", that evening!
There will be on school on Monday, February 16th, due to the President's Day holiday.
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