For language jobs, first grade students had continued work with antonyms, nouns, and sight words. Second graders reviewed synonyms and antonyms, worked with past tense verbs, and reviewed grade level sight words. Third graders worked with adverbs and reviewed synonyms and antonyms.
For math jobs, first grade students continued work with adding large addition problems, practiced addition facts, counted pennies, and wrote number words for 21-30. Second graders solved large addition or multiplication problems, wrote number words, and practiced addition or multiplication facts. Third graders worked with all math operations, solved addition word problems, and wrote numbers in expanded notation.
For cultural jobs, students began a unit on rocks and minerals in science. In history, students continued their study of time by looking at a calendar year and it's parts. In geography, students worked in land and water forms such as island, lake, isthmus, strait, cape, and bay.
Personal Timelines- In conjunction with our study of the Timeline of Life, we invite all students to create a personal timeline. Students should select one photo from each year of his or her life and include a brief description (one to two sentences). Any size paper may be used to create these timelines. They will be displayed in the hallway for all to enjoy! Please turn in the timelines by Monday, September 28th.
Homework- Homework is given out each Friday and should be returned the following Friday. We will return the grey student composition notebooks on Mondays to allow time for us to read the student's writing prompts.
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