Saturday, October 16, 2021

The Importance of Concentration

      Our first quarter ended this week.  The Lower Elementary students are now accustomed to a long morning work cycle each day.  The work cycle begins after arrival and a short morning meeting.  Students that arrive before 8:00 am have ample time to select a job and set it up before the morning meeting.  Once the meeting is over, students begin their work. Protection of the work cycle from interruptions is crucial.  The purpose of an uninterrupted work cycle is to promote concentration.  In a child, the ability to begin and retain concentration takes practice.   By limiting interruptions, we are facilitating the development of concentration.  If concentration is broken in a young child, it is rare that the child can achieve the same state of concentration in the same work cycle. We strive to keep interruptions to a minimum so that each child can reach his potential.  Please help your child arrive by 8:00 each morning.  This will give them time to set up their work for the day.  If possible schedule all appointments for late afternoon.  Thank you in advance for helping us keep interruptions to a minimum.

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