We had a wonderful week in Lower Elementary! We were busy at work!
For language jobs this week, First grade students explored how the "silent e" changed the vowel sound in a word, discussed making words plural by adding -ies, and matched animal names with their sounds. Second grade students discussed the plot of a story, explored possessive nouns, and worked with prepositions. Third grade students continued working on sentence analysis, differentiated fact from opinion, and were introduced to pronouns.
For math jobs this week, First grade students had more practice with column addition, measured with rulers, and reviewed telling time to the quarter hour. Second grade students worked with subtracting, converted types of measurement from one to another, and began working with elapsed time. Third grade students practiced two digit division, converted types of measurement, and continued working with elapsed time.
In Geography, students viewed a Powerpoint on rivers. After viewing, students wrote the definition of a river and listed the its parts.
In Science, students explored static electricity. Students used the Smartboard to learn about what causes static electricity. Students discovered what atoms were, named the basic parts (protons, electrons, and neutrons) and their charges, and how atoms play a part in the transfer of static electricity.
In History, students continued their Peace Education study. Students researched a quote on peace and then interpreted that quote in their own words. Come and see the students' original poems and peace quotes displayed in our hallway!
In History, students continued their Peace Education study. Students researched a quote on peace and then interpreted that quote in their own words. Come and see the students' original poems and peace quotes displayed in our hallway!
This week, students will be busy at work reading charts, working with fractions, discovering the rivers of North America, exploring light and how it reflects, and much more!
-All homework is typically sent home on Monday and is to be completed during the week. It is due on Friday. Students will be given Spelling tests and Math Timed tests in class every Friday.
-Parent's Night will be held on January 30th! Come to the classroom and learn from your child as he or she presents to you their favorite jobs!
The Schedule for Parent's Night:
6:00-6:45 Toddler and Preschool
6:30-7:30 Lower Elementary
7:00-8:00 Upper Elementary
7:00-8:00 Middle School
-Parent's Night will be held on January 30th! Come to the classroom and learn from your child as he or she presents to you their favorite jobs!
The Schedule for Parent's Night:
6:00-6:45 Toddler and Preschool
6:30-7:30 Lower Elementary
7:00-8:00 Upper Elementary
7:00-8:00 Middle School